whoa!  thanks for getting back to me so quickly!!  you rock!

anyway, i didn't provide a whole lot of info because i figured this might be a 
fairly common issue, as my installation is all very generic and off-the-shelf.

anyway, the popup is a gnome dialog box.  when i run the program kppp (or any 
the included redhat config apps) from the command line (so far i've tried it in 
xterm and rxvt), it runs fine.  what happens is that the "executable" is 
actually just linked to a program called 'consolehelper' that checks 
authentication rules through pam, then calls the appropriate program in a 
'semi-sudo' type of context.  arguments are passed transparently, but i don't 
actually RUN the program -- its kinda like a local proxy server of sorts.

so the "new format" just saves me from running a shell process with each 
program.  and that actually makes sense -- now with the 'exec exec kppp', i'm 
not running a shell process, which is why it worked before (when i WAS running 
shell process with the 'exec kppp').  is there a way to force a shell process 
a menu item? i'm sure that would solve this...

>Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2003 09:51:47 +0200
>From: Dominik Vogt <fvwm@fvwm.org>
>To: Tony Stout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, fvwm <fvwm@fvwm.org>
>Subject: Re: FVWM: config question
>Mail-Followup-To: Tony Stout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, fvwm <fvwm@fvwm.org>
>Mime-Version: 1.0
>Content-Disposition: inline
>User-Agent: Mutt/1.3.28i
>On Sun, Sep 07, 2003 at 11:20:25PM -0400, Tony Stout wrote:
>> i just upgraded from fvwm95 (2.0.43d) to the current release of 2.4.15.  
>> i've successfully updated all my configs, and everything seems to be 
>> running nicely.
>> redhat 8.0 uses the package consolehelper/usermode to route specific 
>> authentication requests through pam.  in 2.0.43 (calling the needed 
>> program with a simple "exec" statement - like 'exec kppp'), the gnome 
>> popup would appear, ask for the root password, accept/deny, and run the 
>> program as appropriate.
>> i'm now finding that when i use the new format 
>> ('Exec exec kppp'),
>It's not really a new format.  it just saves you running a shell
>process for each application you start this way.  This is achieved
>by the "exec" shell command.
>> i get a nifty popup saying "Invalid Call to Subprocess".
>Fvwm does not use popup windows, so it must come from your shell
>(highly unlikely) or kppp itself.  Can you identify which program
>opened the popup window?  If not, using FvwmIdent should help.
>Check your kppp installation.  Does it work when invoked on the
>command line?  Possibly it expects some environtment variable to
>be set.
>> i'm sure this is probably a simple config issue, and although i know i 
>> could modify each entry in the 'menus' config file, i'm hoping there is 
>> a global method to solve this.
>> btw, i'm running an out-of-the-box version of redhat 8.0.  i downloaded 
>> the source for 2.4.15, compiled it with defaults, and installed.  i 
>> modified/added entries for gdm to call fvwm directly, so i'm not using 
>> any gnome session-management.  ideally, i'd like to keep them as 
>> separate as possible.
>> any ideas?
>Dominik ^_^  ^_^

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