Olivier Chapuis wrote:
On Sat, Jul 26, 2003 at 11:27:34PM +0200, Gert Brinkmann wrote:

Sorry that I did not answer for such a long time. Because of some missing features in fvwm and because of not enough time to add them manually, I did continue to use icewm. At the moment I am back experimenting with fvwm.

when I start fvwm (the current CVS version) and open FvwmTaskbar, 3
When I repeat the page change the order keeps the same in most cases, but not always. It seems to be a little random like? Maybe it has to do with the order of the last focused windows?

Yes and no. It seems to me that it is difficult to implement something
like PageOnly with the fvwm to module communication that we have now.
One problem is that a page can be any where on the desktop so
redrawing should be done window by window (technically, at each
CONFIGURE_WINDOW packet). The result is a semi-random order (maybe
fixable) and a lot of redrawing.

Maybe in pageonly mode the windows should be ordered alphabetically? And if they have the same name by the window ID (I think there is one?).

I suggest to do not use the PageOnly option. What about DeskOnly
and a relayout of your Pages/Desks ...

Yes, this might be a solution. Currently I am testing fvwm together with the gnome desktop (and especially gnome-panel) so maybe I do not have this problem any longer but possibly others.

Oh, btw: In the current version of fvwm FvwmTaskbar is very very slow. When switching to another (empty) page it takes about 2 seconds until all listed windows are hidden in the FvwmTaskbar. When I return to the page with some windows on, I can watch each single window (represantation) pop up in the Fvwm. I think, this is not normal.

Apriori it is not. Can you send your config. I see a lot of redrawing
in some case with PageOnly (for the reason I just explained) but when
switching between page with a lot of windows (and this does not take 2
secs). But, maybe you have a very slow machine and/or X?

Do you still want my experimental configuration? I had to test first if this behaviour still occurs. My machine is not very fast (400MHz Celeron with TNT2 GfxCard). But the behaviour did not exist in older 2.5-fvwm versions that I had tested before July.



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