Ben Winslow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Ben,

> On Wed, 2004-02-25 at 14:06, calmar wrote:
>> Anyway, when I want to put about the same into a Menu, it
>> obviously does not work at all then. P.e:
>> DestroyMenu testmenu
>> AddToMenu   testmenu
>> + "screenshot"                         Exec  exec sleep 3 && import -window 
>> root ~/pics/screenshots/sc-`date +%F-%H-%M-%S`.jpg
>                                          ^^^^^^^^^^
> Your doubled exec causes fvwm to pass 'exec sleep 3' to the shell. 
> 'exec' in a shell replaces the shell task with the new one, so the shell
> goes away after running sleep.

I see...
I thought I always have to use Exec exec, and I have this
everywhere too. Obviously fvwm transfers everything after
the (first) Exec to the shell.

It works now nicely, thanks


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