David Berg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> In gmane.comp.window-managers.fvwm, you wrote:
> > On Tue, 31 Jan 2006, David Berg wrote:
> >
> >> my debian system I loose all my bindings (mouse, keyboard, buttons) after
> >> a period of time.  I haven't been able to tie the bindings dissapearing
> >>
> See FAQ entry #0.1:
> >      http://fvwm.org/documentation/faq/#0.1
> >
> > you are probably using numlock on your stationary computer, wheras it's 
> > not convinient to do so with a laptop keayboard. You would probably then 
> > do with "IgnoreModifiers 2" in your config.
> That did it.  Now I feel like an old heal not having read the first
> question in the faq.  But upon reading the faq, particularly your Trivia
> comment, I don't feel so bad.  Here's my attempt at solving the problem:
> I thought at first to have the binary ignore the locks by default
> requiring a command to turn them off but since it apparently creates added
> load that sounds like its not an option.  Perhaps they could be ignored
> in some other manner.  Duplicating (I suppose this could be trippling,
> quadrupling etc) bindings for a binding with NumLock on and off etc.
> I don't know enough about how it works (It suprised me to read that the
> Ignore modifiers command added network traffic) to give a good answer
> but it has to be do able.  The problem isn't there with enlightnement.

You will notice the traffic running the WM remotely over dial up
with a lot of keybindings.
You won't notice it for local use.

Dan Espen                           E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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