
Using fvwm 2.5.16 I've added window shading functionality to my setup, and
encountered a few problems on the way :) I found that when I shaded a window
to the left or to the right (west or east), the window title would disappear.
To get the title to display on a shaded-left or -right window, I created the
following variable and function :


DestroyFunc Move-Raise-or-Shade
AddToFunc Move-Raise-or-Shade
+   I Raise
+   M Move
+   D Current (!Shaded) Style "$[w.name]" $1
+   D TestRc  (NoMatch) Style "$[w.name]" $[UNSHADE_TITLE_POS]
+   D WindowShade $0

I have it bound to a double-click in the window border like so :

Mouse 1  -  A Move-Raise-or-Shade N TitleAtTop
Mouse 1  [  A Move-Raise-or-Shade W TitleAtLeft
Mouse 1  ]  A Move-Raise-or-Shade E TitleAtRight
Mouse 1  _  A Move-Raise-or-Shade S TitleAtBottom

With this setup one can double-click in the north, south, east or west borders
of a window and it will shade in that direction and always have its title
displayed. A double-click on the shaded window restores the title to the top
as I have set up.

Problems :

1) When shading a window to left or right the window title disappears. Not
knowing a better way to work around this, I implemented the Style command to
set the window title where I want it to be. However, Style cannot be applied
to a window id, which is unique, so as used above the Style command gets
applied to all windows with the same name. For example, if I have three
windows (ie xterms) on a page, all with the same window title, and I shade one
to the left, the titles of the other two are also moved to the left. I want
them to stay where they are, but I'm not sure what to do now.

2) When shading to the right a window who's border is on the right-hand side
of a page, the resulting shaded window is half off the page and half onto the
next page. This doesn't happen with left-, top- or bottom-shaded windows.

3) This is minor, but a man page entry for example WindowShade mouse
bindings is incorrect. The man page reads :

WindowShade [bool] | [[ShadeAgain] direction]


Style * WindowShadeShrinks, \
WindowShadeSteps 20, WindowShadeLazy
Mouse 1 S - WindowShade North
Mouse 1 S [ WindowShade West
Mouse 1 S ] WindowShade E
Mouse 1 S _ WindowShade S
This should probably be changed to something like :

Mouse 1 - N WindowShade North
Mouse 1 [ N WindowShade West
Mouse 1 ] N WindowShade E
Mouse 1 _ N WindowShade S

Any suggestions for problems 1 & 2 will be welcome.

Regards and best wishes
Stuart Logie
Java developer / Batch production coordinator


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