
I have been on this list for a while, and I finally want to know something. 

I have been using FVWM2 on Cygwin, and I find that FVWMButtons does not behave
the way it did under Linux (mind you, I have not used it under Linux in a 
However, I remember that in Linux, I could get FvwmButtons to swallow rxvt, 
I got to run "tail" on some system logs, which often proved useful.

In Cygwin, I don't see that you are able to do this anymore. But worse, is the 
fact that the button bar goes off nearly forever beyond the screen boundaries. 
Here is the code I used. There are some modifications made, so some lines are 
commented out. All buttons fit on to a single row, which should fit across the 
width of the screen:

#------------------ FvwmButtons (from 2.0.42)
*FvwmButtonsFore navajowhite
*FvwmButtonsBack rgb:40/40/59
*FvwmButtonsFont -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*FvwmButtonsBoxSize: smart
*FvwmButtonsGeometry -0-23
# Layout: specify rows or columns, not both
# uncomment for the big bar
*FvwmButtonsRows 1
#*FvwmButtonsColumns 8

# Define the buttons to use.....
# Container
# *FvwmButtons(2x2,Frame 0,Container(Rows 2 Columns 2 Frame 0))
*FvwmButtons(4x1,Swallow(UseOld,NoHints,Respawn),"Top",'Exec xterm -fn fixed -bg
 navajowhite -fg black -e top &')
# *FvwmButtons (End)
# Row 1 (if there is more than 1 row)
# *FvwmButtons(2x7,Frame 2,Container(Rows 2,Columns 7,Frame 2))
*FvwmButtons (Title soffice, Icon StarOffice6.xpm, \
   Action 'Exec "soffice" /Cygdrive/h/Progra~1/StarOffice6/program/soffice.exe &
*FvwmButtons (Title Maple, Icon Maple9_5.xpm, \
   Action 'Exec "Maple" /cygdrive/h/Progra~1/Maple_9.5/bin.win/maplew9.5.exe &')
*FvwmButtons (Title shell, Icon xterm.linux_3d.xpm, \
   Action 'Exec xterm -fn 9x15 -fg white -bg darkgreen -e bash -l &')
*FvwmButtons (4x1, Swallow(UseOld) "Fvwm Pager" 'FvwmPager 0 3')
# Row 2
*FvwmButtons (Title Logout, Icon /usr/lib/X11/icons/fvwm2/3dpixmaps/exit.xpm,\
   Action Quit)
*FvwmButtons (Title kill, Icon bomb_3d.xpm, Action Destroy)
*FvwmButtons (Title Firefox, Icon Firefox.xpm, \
   Action 'Exec "Firefox" /cygdrive/j/Progra~1/Firefox/firefox.exe &')
*FvwmButtons (4x1, Swallow(UseOld) "xload" 'Exec \
   xload -fn r24 -fg navajowhite -bg rgb:40/40/59 -u 5 &')
# *FvwmButtons (End)

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