On Wed, Sep 13, 2006 at 01:58:28PM +0100, Thomas Adam wrote:
> <snip>
> > That's all fine and good, but that sort of goes around what I want to
> > do. In Sawfish, it's a trivial matter of specifying where you want a
> > window placed with its matched windows. The nice thing about doing it
> > this way is that it *does* work with programs that don't accept
> > -geometry.
> Indeed, but then note that it's circumventative of a much larger issue
> -- wherein it ought to fixed at the application level.

I don't know that it's really that something is "broken," per se. Just
because there is a different design philosophy does not equate it to
being "broken." But I digress...

> > > Those are broken applications, IMO.  If a program doesn't accept
> > > geometry options then it's probably an annoying EWMH-based one which
> > > delights in remembering its position for you.  See the main FVWM FAQ
> > > for ways of circumventing that with FvwmEvent, as well as another
> > > explanation for it in #fvwm's FAQ.
> > 
> > I'll look through it again. Does this mean that there is a way to get
> > styles to place my window properly? So far, I didn't find it...
> No it does not.  Note the following (taken off the top of my head):
> Style someCrappyApplication NoPPosition
> DestroyModuleConfig FE-MoveWindow:*
> *FE-MoveWindow: Cmd Function
> *FE-MoveWindow: add_window myFunction
> Module FvwmEvent FE-MoveWindow
> DestroyFunc myFunction
> AddToFunc   myFunction
> + I ThisWindow (some_name, !Transient) Move 200 800
> That's what you would do.  (And read up on the Move command and the
> sorts of parameters it accepts, as well as looking at possible
> ResizeMove as well depending on your needs).

I'll give something like this a try, I guess. I guess I just don't
understand why I can't get Style or something similar to just execute
the Move command without having to do all this extra work. It seems
like this would be a common enough thing that it would be allowed.

One advantage of having FVWM putting the window in a particular place
rather than passing parameters is that I have several computers, many
of which having different screen resolutions. If I want to, e.g., have
a particular window placed at the upper right corner of the screen, it
is far easier to get FVWM to act appropriately than have some sort of
script or alias that does the appropriate thing depending on which
computer I'm on.

By the way, perhaps there are other window placement options that I'm
not aware of, such as an UpperRightPlacement or something of that
sort. Unfortunately, scanning the single, huge manpage is incredibly
difficult --- It would be a lot easier not to overlook things if they
were split up a little more.

Michael V. De Palatis
Georgia Institute of Technology
School of Physics
837 State Street
Atlanta, GA 30332-0430

mvd 'at' gatech [dot] edu

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