
I use keyboard shortcuts to create and switch focus between windows.

If I create a shell, I can close it with the WM or by typing
strg-d/exit. With FPReleaseFocus, fvwm should focus another window on
the desktop, preferably the one which had last hat focus.

However, 'sometimes', fvwm fails to do that. It seems to happen only
when I switch pages to and from before closing the window..

Also, from the manpage, FPFocusByFunctionWarpPointer should release me
from using "WarpToWindow 50 50" every time I switch focus. But it
doesn't seem to work?

Thanks in advance,
 (o_  #                                                +47/611-344-01
 //\-x                                        gpg --recv-key A04D7875
 V_/_    Use the source, Tux!             mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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