Le Thu, 28 Sep 2006 17:21:53 +0200 (CEST),
Lucio Chiappetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit :

> On Thu, 28 Sep 2006, Dominique Michel wrote:
> > Another way will be to test the locale in use, and sed the value to 
> > change the point against a comma when needed. But I have no idea where I 
> > can test the locale.
> I have never played with locales, quite hate them and happily stick to the 
> C locale, but shouldn't be there an environment variable to test OR 
> CHANGE, and could one not bracket such setenv in a subshell like
> (setenv XXXX=yyy ; command)  ?

I read something on the perl website when searching a solution for this script.
The problem with the locales is at it is no one single normalisation but few
normalisations. No matter, I find something that work when reading the files
in /usr/share/fvwm-crystal.

I done 2 sections in Mixer-alsamixer:

DestroyFunc Mixer-VolumeFr
AddToFunc Mixer-VolumeFr
+ I Exec exec $[A_Player] --volume $0

DestroyFunc Mixer-VolumeEn
AddToFunc Mixer-VolumeEn
+ I Exec exec $[A_Player] --volume $0

DestroyMenu /VolumeFr
AddToMenu /VolumeFr
+ " 0 db%" Mixer-VolumeFr '1,0'

DestroyMenu /VolumeEn
AddToMenu /VolumeEn
+ " 0 db%" Mixer-VolumeEn '1.0'

And a test in Music-alsaplayer:

Test (EnvMatch LANG fr_*.*) + I AddToMenu /Music '$[gt.Volume]' Popup /VolumeFr
Test (!EnvMatch LANG fr_*.*) + I AddToMenu /Music '$[gt.Volume]' Popup /VolumeEn

Thank you all anyway, it would have take more time without this discussion.


> I've used the trick for timezones, e.g. to know the time in Iceland one 
> could (setenv TZ :/usr/share/zoneinfo/Atlantic/Reykjavik ; date)
> I do that (in sh syntax because of the SSI include directives) e.g. in
> http://sax.iasf-milano.inaf.it/~lucio/WWW/Personal/timezones.html
> <!--#exec cmd="TZ=:/usr/share/zoneinfo/Atlantic/Reykjavik ; export TZ ; 
> date"-->
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Bassini 15 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)
> For more info : http://www.iasf-milano.inaf.it/~lucio/personal.html
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

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