specify a different action for mouse 2 for Opera
Thanks I'll use this as a temp solution

But do you want to issue those commands by a middle-click?

True!, But that was just an example. I am okay with other mouse
functions, like drag, hold or any other. Please suggest if there is
any possibility..

One possibility /feature request: To have an option to initiate a
command by the mouse ON Mouse_button_up .
To be clearer : an option to initiate the command by a  "Mouse 2 A N
somefunc" AFTER the mouse button is released instead of immediately
after the mousebutton is pressed..
That way this might be resolved... just an amatuer guess :)

Think of the possibilitie of having mouse only functions.. No first
think of a beer in the left hand, now think of what all you could do
with this: 1.No need for a root menu a left_Mouse_hold + rightclick
would open it
2.Double_middle_click = pager right at the  mouse Or maximize/shade
the window, the possibilities with FVWM are endless!!!
3. Middle_hold opens tomboy or the klipper menu .. or raises
Horizontally maximized xterm for pasting from howto guides.. This
would be such a killer feature!!

I undersand that its all way  too mouse centric, but just imagine the
beer in a the left hand ;)

On 10/14/06, seventh guardian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 10/13/06, me again me <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Look at the CursorMove and WarpToWindow commands.
>  Sorry I wasn't clear. I meant: a way of issuing commands using only
> the  mouse( no keyboard ), like edgecommand Or mousebutton as modifier
> Or
> DestroyFunc winmou
>  AddToFunc winmou
>  + M WindowList  -50p +0p
>  Mouse 2 A N winmou

But do you want to issue those commands by a middle-click? Then how do
you expect to choose between "paste" and the defined command?

> > Are you sure this isn't a numlock issue?
>  Positive, this is not related to  numlock . See this post please (if
> you haven't)
> -
>  > Can you be more specific about this?
> About what ? Khotkeys?
> khotkeys allows the use of the middle mouse button for making  mouse
> gestures while retaining the middle-click to paste feature & and other
> middle click features.
Yes, but then it uses the "middle mouse drag", which is not the
"middle mouse click".


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