
On Sun, Oct 29, 2006 at 04:41:19PM +0100, Michelle Konzack wrote:
> Attention:  Original Message to <fvwm@fvwm.org> and crossposted to
>             <debian-user>, <debian-user-german> and <debian-user-french>
> *******************************************************************
> * Do not Cc: me, because I am on THIS list, if I write here.      *
> * Keine Cc: an mich, bin auf DIESER Liste wenn ich hier schreibe. *
> * Pas de Cc: à moi, je suis sur CETTE liste, si j'ecrire ici.     *
> *******************************************************************

Let's have a quick lesson in netiquette, reading, and generally
understanding how things work.  It won't take long.  So here we go...

You something thought that cross-posting this was a good idea.  That's
fine, I am sure that lots of people appreciated being spammed about FVWM
things when there's really only one list (that's this one) which it's
really pertinent to.  Cross-posting is bad, because the recipients of
people not on that list then cause havoc if those lists are
subscribe-postings only.  Don't do it again, please.  As a result, I am
only replying to the FVWM list.  :|

Secondly, your header about CC, whilst being understandable is nothing
so great that it needs such prominence within your email.  In all
fairness, what you should be doing is setting up an MDA (Mail Delivery
Agent) such as:  procmail or mailfilter to do this for you, such that if
you are CCed on a list reply, it gets sent to the correct location.

> Hello Fvwm-Debian users,
> I have created a menu-method for FVWM which support localized
> menuentries (whitout being kicked of by Hotkeys) and support
> for sidebars.

How does this differ from the use of:


-- Thomas Adam

"Wanting to feel; to know what is real.  Living is a lie." -- Purpoise
Song, by The Monkees.

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