On Mon, Apr 30, 2007 at 06:29:07PM -0400, Tom Horsley wrote:
> If I point my DISPLAY environment variable at a server where I'm
> running fvwm (probably 2.5.18 is currently installed), then
> I see a brief flash as a window tries to appear, but it disappears
> immediately. The virt-manager app still thinks it is running,
> but the window isn't on the screen or in the WindowList.

Well, neither of those are symptomatic of the window not being there.
It could not be on the screen because the window was moved elsewhere,
and it might not be in the WindowList due to a possible style setting
this window to use WindowListSkip.

That said, it is slightly odd behaviour.  And, assuming FVWM logs to
something like ~/.xsession-errors, what happens if you enable (via
FvwmConsole for instance):

BugOpts ExplainWindowPlacement On
BugOpts DisplayNewWindowNames On

And then launch this application which loads this window?  It could be
that the window is in a mapped atate still, but is just withdraw.  If
the output from that doesn't help you (and we'd like to see it anyway),
try using the output from DisplayWNewWindowNames specifically to set a
style of  Unmanaged:

Style foo !Managed

> Anyone have any guesses where the windows might have gone?

I take it you've done nothing like:

Next (foo) FlipFocus

You could of course use something like this to see what's happening:

DestroyModuleConfig FE-AW: *
*FE-AW: add_window "ThisWindow (NameOfTheWindowImAfter, !Focused) Focus"

Module FvwmEvent FE-AW

Which is slightly more interactive than using DisplayNewWindowNames.

-- Thomas Adam

"He wants you back, he screams into the night air, like a fireman going
through a window that has no fire." -- Mike Myers, "This Poem Sucks".

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