On 01/01/2008, Dan Espen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "Emilie Ann Phillips" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > On Jan 1, 2008 4:49 PM, Attila Nemeth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > DestroyFunc HelperFnc
> > > AddToFunc HelperFnc
> > > + I ThisWindow Exec exec echo $[w.y]:$[w.x]:$[w.id] >>~/.fvwm/wlist.txt
> > >
> > > DestroyFunc WSelect
> > > AddToFunc WSelect
> > > + I Exec exec rm -f ~/.fvwm/wlist.txt ; touch ~/.fvwm/wlist.txt
> > > + I All (!Iconic, CurrentPage, AcceptsFocus) HelperFnc
> > > + I PipeRead "~/.fvwm/SelectWindow.sh"
> > >
> > > Now, all this is not relaible. Most of the time it works, but somtimes
> > > the wlist.txt file ends up empty or missing some windows. Like if the
> > > PipeRead kicked in too early. Is it possible that the lines in an fvwm
> > > function (WSelect in this case) are NOT executed sequentially?
> >
> > If you look at the documentation for Exec
> > (http://fvwm.org/documentation/manpages/unstable/fvwm.php#lbBW) it
> > specifies that Exec doesn't wait for the command to complete. So what
> > is probably happening is that you are starting to run SelectWindow.sh
> > before you finish writing to wlist.txt
> Right, and one solution is to use Piperead instead of Exec.


-- Thomas Adam

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