On Tue, 5 Feb 2008 16:25:32 +0100
"Hans Voss" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> However, I got wondering, is there anyway that fvwm might, someday, be
> able to use/create/"do" such graphical "stunt work" as well?
> (I don't want much, I know.... ;-).

There's been in the past some discussion about this on the forums at 
you can always use xcompmgr + transset-df, though its stability is not superb.

There's also metisse, though I haven't tried it seriously.


> Or is this something that just cannot be done (without replicating all
> the work Compiz and predecessors have done)? And why we would even
> want that is yet another discussion all together. (I think, basically,
> just to poke other people (Vista users, Mac users) in the eye).

I don't know much about the compiz architecture, but since the compositor
seems to be a separate piece, and it can use different decorators, I don't
think it would be hard, nor impossible, to use it in conjunction with a
3rd party wm like fvwm. The main problem is probably the lack of interest.

I for one, don't care much about niceness, though I admit the advantages
of having an opengl desktop in terms of cpu usage, even if you don't use
effects at all.

The other day I saw this:


It seems like someone is working on compiz for e17. I haven't tried, though,
since my interest in both compiz and e17 is next to nil. But a similar project
for fvwm should be equally doable. Another thing is the amount of work that
it would require. I have no clue about that.

Jesús Guerrero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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