For the moment I don't have access to my old config files, so I have
to solve this once again. Hope for some help from the community.

To get thumbnails within fvwmpager, I do as following.
DestroyFunc GoLeft
AddToFunc GoLeft
+ I Mini_Thumbnail
+ I ShowPager
+ I PipeRead '\
        if [ $[page.nx] -gt 0 ]; then\
                echo GotoPage -1p 0p;\
### Put all SetEnv in infostore
SetEnv fvwm_mini_icon_size   63

DestroyFunc Mini_Thumbnail
AddToFunc Mini_Thumbnail
+ I Raise
+ I SetEnv MiniIcon-$[] $[w.MiniIconFile]
+ I ThisWindow (!Shaded,  !FvwmPager, !Iconic) PipeRead \
    "$[FVWM_USERDIR]/bin/thumb $[] $[fvwm_mini_icon_size]
$[FVWM_USERDIR]/tmp/mini_icon.tmp.$[].png $[w..MiniIconFile]\
                && echo WindowStyle EWMHMiniIconOverride, MiniIcon
$[FVWM_USERDIR]/tmp/mini_icon.tmp.$[].png || echo Nop"

But the call to ThisWindow gives me a crosshair in thoose cases where
there is no window below the mousepointer.
How do I avoid the crosshair.?

/Peter Holm

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