I have my Nokia sending ftp and http content to a Trend Virus wall box
for virus scanning, this is working well. I now want to add redundancy
by adding another Trend Virus Scanner and do load sharing betwen the

The Nokia  is running CKP 4.1 service pack 2 and will be the CVP
Manager. I've installed the CVpm package from Nokia and created a
cvpm.conf file on the Nokia. . I created new objects such as
Server,resources and rules on the Management station and pushed out the
policy but things stop working with the CVP manager setup. My cvpm.conf
is included below. Do I need to do anything else. I have a document (
4518) from Nokia which tells me I should be adding all my configs to
fwopsec.conf. It's makes no sense to me.

# CVPM Configuration file
# The port for FW-1 -to- CVP-M communications
cvpm            auth_port               18181

############## Chain configuration
drop_on_unsafe          1
# Recovery time in minutes
recovery_time           1

# Number of servers on the chain
num_of_servers          2
use_load_shares yes

chained_server_1        cvp_on_scrubby2
chained_server_2        cvp_on_scrubby1

############## Servers definitions

cvp_on_scrubby2 auth_port       18181
cvp_on_scrubb2 ip

cvp_on_scrubby1 auth_port       18181
cvp_on_scrubby1 ip

Fwopsec.conf has it's default settings.



John A. Gesualdi,    CCNP, CCDP, MCP
The Providence Journal Company
Phone (401)277-8133
Pager (401)785-6938

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