Hello Simon,

Thank you for your nice words!

I'm not sure if it's possible to add a tab to the wiki space. I'll have to check with Gavin or Darby for this. Gavin, Darby?

I have a few more notes/questions:

- Leave the sidebar on the left of the page or put it on the right side of the page?
- Is it possible to hide the navigation bar when printing/exporting to pdf?
- Some of our component names are so long that they don't fit in the sidebar, what should we do with that? (less padding would be one) - I couldn't keep the links from the docbook alive, as the page structure is a lot different (more content on one page, less clicking, more scrolling) do you guys mind? - The {toc} macro seems to have problems with heading with the same name (wrong anchor links)

For those of you that don't know yet, the wiki import test can be found here:


If you have comments, please send them to the mailing list instead of posting them in the wiki space (pages get deleted now and then)

Best regards,

Andries Seutens

Simon Mundy schreef:
Hi Andries

Just wanted to say nice work on the new wiki-style docs - it's a lot more accessible with the collapsible folders.

I have a request, but wasn't sure of how much work it would be to have tabs associated with the documentation. The default tab is what you have now, the middle could be the docbook APIs and the final one could be developer notes. That way it'd be easier to cross reference the documentation for beginners and the ones with poor memory recall (i.e. me :) )

If it's a big ask then I don't expect you to put any time into it (you've already put a lot in for the wiki conversion itself) but just wanted to put the question out there to see if it's possible.



Simon Mundy | Director | PEPTOLAB

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