Matthew Ratzloff wrote:
There are exceptions in cases where it would be awkward, like Zend_Db_Inflector::plural(), singular(), and underscore()--although strangely enough camelize() (not camel()) is a function, and words like "singularize" and "pluralize" are used in the function descriptions. In this case, toPlural(), toSingular(), toCamel() would be better.
Having function or property names ending in "-ize" makes me uncomfortable; in British English that suffix is "-ise". Better to avoid names that will confuse native English speakers, I think.

Unfortunately there are several other words spelled differently on opposite sides of the Atlantic that it's difficult to avoid: colour, metre, flavour, defence, grey.

Perhaps this should be a standard? Avoid English words with common regional spelling differences, default to American spelling (as the most common, especially for non-native speakers) where unavoidable?

Bit of a digression really :)

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