As an aside, where can I find out when these changes are officially
implemented (i.e. when they will appear in the latest snapshot/nightly
build)? Do I just have to follow the issue tracker?

Thanks, gonyuu.

GavinZend wrote:
> This is recognized as an issue:
> We are going to propose introducing a name filter for database names, 
> table names, and column names, with a default behavior.  The default 
> behavior will be "no filtering" or modification of these names  (i.e. no 
> more camelCase).  Users will then be able to select whatever "name" 
> filter they need for their particular circumstances, if the default 
> doesn't work.
> Cheers,
> Gavin
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> Abu Hurayrah wrote:
>> Since you've brought it up, is there anywhere where I can see the 
>> explanation/justification given for this automatic routine?  I think 
>> it makes ZF a lot harder to work with when you use it with older 
>> systems where the schema name system may be a mix of different 
>> styles...StudlyCaps, camelCase, underscore_separated, or allinone.  
>> Short of rewriting the __get() & __set() methods for each class/object 
>> you want to use, is there any other easy way to handle this?
>> Abu Hurayrah
>> Hidayah Online - Guidance According to the Qur'an and Sunnah 
>> <>
>> `A'isha, the wife of Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him), reported 
>> Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) as saying:
>> /Kindness is not to be found in anything but that it adds to its 
>> beauty and it is not withdrawn from anything but it makes it defective./
>> narrated in Sahih Muslim, Book 3, Number 6274
>> gonyuu wrote:
>>> I think what Bruno is referring to is the camel-case renaming of the 
>>> fields
>>> in Zend_Db_Row; i.e. "zend_field" gets mapped as zendField. I ran 
>>> into the
>>> same problems when I had fields named "ZendField". I basically couldn't
>>> access these fields because of the case sensitivity in MySQL 
>>> ("zendfield"
>>> would not work). My solution thus far has been to bear with 
>>> lower-case field
>>> names :(
>>> gonyuu
>>> Terry Cullen wrote:
>>>> The manual:
>>>> <?php
>>>> class ClassName extends Zend_Db_Table
>>>> {
>>>>     // default table name is 'class_name'
>>>>     // but we want to map to something else
>>>>     protected $_name = 'another_table_name';
>>>> }
>>>> ?>
>>>> On 10/2/06, Bruno Viana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>> I use the Zend_Db_Table with a test table, it works fine.. but when 
>>>>> i use
>>>>> table of my old app that fields are in upper case it's don't work, 
>>>>> but i
>>>>> rewrite my fields to lower case it works.
>>>>> I had to rewrite all my fields to lower case or have a fix (or work
>>>>> around) to this?
>>>>> -- 
>>>>> "Fui para os bosques viver de livre vontade. Para sugar todo o 
>>>>> tutano da
>>>>> vida, para aniquilar tudo o que não era vida e para, quando morrer, 
>>>>> não
>>>>> descobrir que não vivi."

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