Plus, it would look good for the Zend Conference to present ZF at 50% coverage and in good standing.

On 10/13/06, Shekar C Reddy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
By all means, I support changing the release number 0.2 (doesn't justify, however late it is to change it) to 0.5 (indicating roughly 50% coverage).

On 10/12/06, Bill Karwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Ralf Eggert wrote:
What about the rest of the roadmap? Are there any plans for the further release dates?  

Okay, I've now updated the rest of the Roadmap in JIRA.

We've established a goal to have 0.2.0 ready by the Zend Conference.  The Zend Framework is a team effort.  Presenting a new release at the Conference would be a great way to show the accomplishments of the ZF community.  A huge amount of work has been done since the 0.1.5 release, and we all know that a new, fresh Preview Release is very desirable.

Regarding versions following 0.2, we had a talk here at Zend about version numbers.  We recognize the terrific work and progress that the community has put into this project, working closely with the staff here at Zend.  We feel that continuing with low numbers like 0.2.1, 0.3, etc. doesn't do justice to this progress.  It gives the false impression that the 1.0 release is only 20% complete.  We don't feel this is accurate.

So after 0.2, we'd like to jump to 0.7, and continue from there.  Actually, some of us initially thought that we're at 0.7 already, but I want us to have the satisfaction of completing 0.2, which we have all been working toward.  Numbers are really just for identifying the phase of the project, and the community has known "0.2" as the name of the current phase for a while, so I didn't want to change that.

Since this is an open, community project, I'd like to share with you how I define completion criteria for the releases progressing toward 1.0.

Preview release 0.2: "The MVC release."  As we have been planning, the criteria for 0.2 are the revisions to the MVC architecture.  But it's not just MVC; included with this release are all the other enhancements that have been made since 0.1.5.  There are also some incubator components that are maturing and may move into core.

It is highly desirable for the ZF community and for Zend that this is ready by October 31, so we can announce the release at the Zend Conference.  To show such great progress at a public event like that is crucial at this stage of the Zend Framework evolution.

Matthew Weier O'Phinney is the project coordinator for the MVC components, but all of us should treat it as a priority to help this effort reach completion.  Matthew is going to need help soon with code reviews and testing.

Preview release 0.7: "The I18N & Auth release."  Criteria for 0.7 are revisions to the I18N (Locale and others), Zend_Auth, and Zend_ACL architecture and components, as well as enhancements to other components as they are available.

Preview release 0.8: "The DB release."  Criteria for 0.8 are revisions to Zend_DB, as well as enhancements to other components as they are available. 

Preview release 0.9: "Beta." Criteria for 0.9 are that all the remaining components have reached a state of "feature complete."  This includes the web services components, and a refactored Zend_Filter solution.  Components still in incubator at this time will stay in incubator through the 1.0 release.  The API's of non-incubator components are relatively stable.  Starting at this point, we will refer to the product as Beta instead of Preview Release.

Within each of the above releases, we may make a number of point-releases like 0.7.1, 0.7.2, 0.7.3, etc. as justified by the progress.  These will be on an irregular, but short timeframe, perhaps about 2 weeks per point-release.  This will make the downloadable Preview Release current than it has been.

Release 1.0.0: "Release Candidate."  Criteria for 1.0 are that all non-incubator components are stable, and we've addressed all critical and major issues (not counting feature requests).  All components, both core and incubator, have adequate unit tests and reference documentation.

The 1.0.0 and subsequent point-releases 1.0.1, 1.0.2, etc. will be referred to as "Release Candidates" until we are satisfied that Zend Framework is ready for production use.  We will strive for perfection during development and during Beta, but we will also have a process for final quality-control criteria.

Release 1.0.x: "Production."  Criteria for 1.0 General Availability (GA) are the same as 1.0.0, as well as satisfying the quality-control standards of Zend, the ZF community, and other users of Zend Framework.

I'm reluctant to put dates on these releases.  I'd rather let quality and features be the criteria each given release.  But if we pitch in to help the main contributors of each component, I'm sure we can make each of these releases an average of four to six weeks apart.  Provided that pace continues, it puts the final GA release in March or April of 2007.

It's hard to give estimates any more precisely than that.  We don't have detailed specs for each component from which to estimate the amount of work.  Also, since a lot of the progress is dependent on community members' schedules, we don't know our engineer-hours available during a given period.  So using traditional project management methods to estimate precise dates is kind of pointless.  This is a characteristic of open-source projects.

But the advantage of an open-source project is that we have a much larger group of people who can contribute, if even part-time.  The strength is in teamwork and collaboration.  We can also work in parallel a lot on this sort of framework project, because most of the components are by design not dependent on each other.  So we do have the opportunity to complete components more rapidly.


Bill K.

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