
we, thats a projekt at the University of Lüneburg, Germany, called
"myStudy" (http://mystudy.uni-lueneburg.de), looking for a adequate
PHP-Framework. Cakephp seems to be nice but we are not sure about the
performance. myStudy in peaks it has about 500 impressions at same
time, 8000 active User and especially in the begining of terms, there
is high traffic and database-load, which is not too high but
might be with a framework... (we 've got 1 high-perfomance Server)

Another framework, which seems more reliable and high-performance is
the Zend-Framework. Is the performance of the Zend-Framework high
enough to serve Projekts like ours?

The second thing seems to be more crucial:
What about the compatibility for next versions... because the
Zend-Framework still seems to be beta (0.2)? What ist the date for the
Version 1.0? If we start now with Zend-FW and with that we gain higher
productivity which might loses with the modifikations we have to do for
compatibility in further Versions... Are there any intentions to alter
the basic MVC-concept and file-architecture of Zend-FW 1.0 in

Maybe you have some answers or advices.

Best regards

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