when i run my app under linux,i got the error:
*Fatal error*: Uncaught exception 'Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Exception'
with message 'Directory "mnt/hdb/web project/fz/web/controllers/news" not
found or not readable' in /mnt/hdb/web
project/fz/zend/Zend/Controller/Dispatcher.php:146 Stack trace: #0
/mnt/hdb/web project/fz/zend/Zend/Controller/Front.php(184):
Zend_Controller_Dispatcher->addControllerDirectory('mnt/hdb/web pro...') #1
/mnt/hdb/web project/fz/web/index.php(52):
Zend_Controller_Front->addControllerDirectory('mnt/hdb/web pro...') #2
{main} thrown in */mnt/hdb/web
project/fz/zend/Zend/Controller/Dispatcher.php* on line *146**

*There should be a NewsController.php,but Dispatcher load it as news ,
"mnt/hdb/web project/fz/web/controllers/news" not found

And this app run well under windows.
My linux system is Fedora 6,and php 5.1.6, apache 2.2.3,mysql 5.0.22

Best Regards.

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