I guess there is already another proposal for controllers in

On 12/3/06, Shekar C Reddy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Excellent! What's the solution to use the old router (not RewriteRouter)?


 On 12/3/06, Martel Valgoerad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I would like to touch this subject again. I think I have found a
> solution which
> should suit everybody as it's very easy to manage from a user standpoint
> and
> also easy to implement.
> Framework user standpoint
> It's a concept of named modules. Let's work on a use case first - let's
> bootstrap our application with additional directories in the standard
> way:
> require_once 'Zend/Controller/Front.php';
> $controller = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance();
> $dirs = array(
>        'default' => '/home/martel/WWW/test/controllers',
>        'forum'   => '/home/martel/WWW/test/controllers/forum',
>        'admin'   => '/home/martel/WWW/test/controllers/admin',
>        'other'   => '/var/www/even/outside/root/dir'
> );
> $controller->setControllerDirectory($dirs);
> echo $controller->dispatch();
> As you see, it's a standard and already working way of setting
> controller dirs.
> Nothing is or needs to be changed up to this point. We can access all
> the dirs
> the standard framework way:
> http://localhost/test/index.php?controller=news&action=add
> But what happens when you want a NewsController in default as well as
> admin
> directories. Former is used to display news to the users and latter to
> administer the site.
> So let's assume we have an additional parameter to use named 'module'.
> And if
> we would like to access the admin module specifically, we would use the
> following URIs:
> With standard URL Scheme:
> http://localhost/test/index.php?module=admin&controller=news&action=add
> Or with RewriteRouter (route: ':module/:controller:/:action'):
> http://localhost/test/admin/news/add
> This way we can access any directory structure by using named modules.
> And
> what's moreover, we can have controllers named exactly the same in
> different
> directiories - something that is not possible with current codebase.
> But it's a backwards compatible solution - we can still access the
> controllers
> without relying on modules. In that case dispatcher would still iterate
> through
> all the defined controller dirs like it is being done right now.
> That's from the users standpoint. Now let's get to the implementation.
> Framework Code
> It's really easy thing to do as setControllerDir is already setting
> directories
> by the key, so it's only a matter of modifying _getController() method
> of the
> dispatcher to be aware of modules (new code is marked by pluses):
> protected function _getController($request, $module = null, $directories
> = null)
> {
>     ...
>     $className = $this->formatControllerName($controllerName);
>     /**
>      * Determine if controller is dispatchable
>      */
>     $dispatchable = false;
> +    if ($module !== null) {
> +        $dispatchable = = Zend::isReadable($directory[$module]);
> +    } else {
>         foreach ($directories as $directory) {
>             $dispatchable = Zend::isReadable($directory ...);
>             if ($dispatchable) break;
>         }
> +    }
>     return $dispatchable ? $className : false;
> }
> And that's pretty much it. Of course we would still have to add
> formatModuleName family of methods (similar to controller and action
> names), an
> optional module parameter to addControllerDir to make it store
> directories
> under specified key and finally a delegate methods in Front Controller.
> public function addControllerDirectory($path, $module = null)
> Finally it would probably be a good idea to move "Determine if
> controller is
> dispatchable" block out to it's own method. It will allow for easier
> subclassing and will meet Rob's request:
> Backwards compatibility
> This implementation is fully backwards compatible but maybe it would be
> better
> to drop backwards compatibility in order to clean the code? I mean make
> one
> default module instead of directory iteration, etc. And we're already
> shooting
> our foots with parameter ordering (parameters renamed to better show
> what's on
> my mind):
> public function addControllerDirectory($dir, $name)
> public function addRoute($name, $route)
> --
> Michael Minicki aka Martel Valgoerad | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
> http://aie.pl/martel.asc
> "To err is human -- and to blame it on a computer is even more so." --
> Robert
> Orben

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