No I speak about this :

$rowset = $table->fetchAll($where, $order, $count, $offset);

it will be good to have a fields parameter :
$rowset = $table->fetchAll($fields, $where, $order, $count, $offset);

Just to not retrieve no needed data :)

On 12/28/06, Bruno Friedmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Bill Karwin wrote:
> Yann Nave wrote:
>> Hye everybody.
>> Using ZendFramework 0.6, is there a way to have a rowset object width
>> only some fields ?   Not '*'.
> No, this is not an option in Zend_Db in 0.6.  Currently a
> Zend_Db_Table always fetches all columns reported by a describe of the
> table.
> I've added your question as a feature request to our JIRA issue
> tracker, and it will be evaluated later.
> Regards,
> Bill Karwin

Hi Bill,

Would you say that code like this one

        $select = $this->_db->select();
        $select->from($this->_tpanier.' as t1', 't1.pnum')
                ->join($this->_tpdetails.' as t2', 't2.pnum = t1.pnum',
array('','t2.article', 't2.quantite'))
                ->join('t_catalogue_'.$this->_lang.' as t3' , 't3.CODMOD
= t2.article', array('t3.TITLE','t3.PRIX'))
                ->where('t1.pnum = ?', $pnum);
        try {
            $this->ddetails = $this->_db->fetchAll($select);
        } catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) {
            echo '<h6> Getting basket goes wrong ! </h6>'."\n";
            echo $e->getMessage();
            return false;

Wouldn't work on 0.6 ?
I'm using it on 0.2 and it work so nice ...


        Bruno Friedmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Ioda-Net Sàrl
        c/o RFV, H. Vauclair SA
        Rue de l'Avenir 12
        2800 Delémont - Switzerland
        Tél : ++41 32 435 7171
        Fax : ++41 32 435 7172
        gsm : ++41 78 802 6760         Solutions informatiques et internet, coaching et
relooking           Centre de formation et de coaching en ligne


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