These are tests that were done for Propel, note that propel has now
gone to requiring spl_autoload because of these results.

this is using eaccel as apc was crashing for him, php 5.0.4, october 4th

(02:38:26)  let's see if it crashes my apache like APC does
(02:38:35)  nope!
(02:38:41)  shit
(02:38:44)  it's like 3x faster
(02:39:09)  even w/o doing a huge list of require's
(02:39:11)  lemme test
(02:41:03)  ok
(02:41:06)  so with eacc
(02:41:26)  .25 req/sec with no accelerator (with or w/o require list)
(02:41:30)  with eacc
(02:41:39)  .55 req/sec w/autoload
(02:41:45)  .49 w/ list of requires

the list of requires was literally just a list of
etc at the top of the script. Yes, require, not require_once. No i
dont have how many files it was including here in my logs however
propel includes a lot of files so it should be a reasonable

Can we please finally come to a conclusion on this subject? Test for
yourself or use these as a reference but PLEASE stop this FUD
surrounding autoload!


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