>> i was also looking for such functionnality, plus, i wanted that particular
>> action could be called in a view context.
>> As it is not seems to be (yet ?) included, here is my temporary solution :
>> let's define a "Widget.php" helper :
>> class Zend_View_Helper_Widget
>> {
>>      public function Widget($module=NULL, $controller=NULL, $action=NULL)
>>      {
>>              Zend::loadClass('Zend_Controller_Request_Http');
>>              $Request = new Zend_Controller_Request_Http();
>>              $Request->setModuleName($module);
>>              $Request->setControllerName($controller);
>>              $Request->setActionName($action);
>>              $controller = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance();
>>              $controller->dispatch($Request);
>>      }
>> }
> I wouldn't do it this way. First off, you're possibly altering the state
> of the current front controller instance and response object, which
> could lead to unintended consequences. All you need is the dispatcher in
> this case -- you've already set the module, controller, and action.
> Change the internals to this:
>     $response   = new Zend_Controller_Response_Http();
>     $dispatcher = new Zend_Controller_Dispatcher();
>     $dispatcher->dispatch($Request, $response);
>     return (string) $response;
> (You need a response object to pass to the dispatcher's dispatch
> method. Alternatively, you could subclass the dispatcher and provided a
> convenience method that creates the response object and returns the
> rendered output.)

My intention was to avoid subclassing at this time, waiting for the
framework is finished.
Anyway, i have already defined my controllers directories in the main
front controller instance ( $front->setControllerDirectory, and
Correct me if i'm wrong, but if i instantiate a new dispatcher, as you do,
i lost all of these controller directories. And there not seem to be a
method to "grab" all of of them in a new dispatcher object.
So i got a beautiful "Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Zend_Exception'
with message 'File "WidgetController.php" was not found." :)

I have also tried with the dispatcher object i use in the main front
controller. Same result.
$dispatcher = new Zend_Controller_ModuleDispatcher();

$dispatcher->dispatch($Request, $Response);

(note : i'm using moduledispatcher an modulerouter, rev. 3009)

Behind all of this mess, as you say, and as i clearly realize, my approach
is not the good one. From far.

Instead of trying to make it works step by step, i'm really curious to see
how would you do to make a "pretty easy" implementation of partials in
zend_view (and, why not, in action context).

(really) Thanks for your job, and your answers.

PS : what do you need by "OP" ? Other Points ?

> I'll reply to the OP in a separate response; it's pretty easy to
> implement partials using Zend_View.
>> (Note : contrary to the reference manual, custom helpers MUST begin by
>> "Zend_View_Helper". Is it a bug ?)
> The test suite indicates that you should be able to prefix helpers with
> your own class prefix. You can do so with the following construct:
>     $view->addHelperPath($path, $classPrefix);
> If this doesn't work for you, please report the issue on JIRA with the
> minimum amount of code required to show it doesn't work.

I didn't know the parameter $classPrefix :) Now it's Ok.
But as far as i can see in the source, its not implemented in the
"__construct" method of "Zend_View_Abstract" :

        // user-defined helper path
        if (array_key_exists('helperPath', $config)) {

maybe something like that :

        // user-defined helper path
        if (array_key_exists('helperPath', $config)) {
          if (array_key_exists('helperclassPrefix', $config))

(and same for filter)

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