Darby Felton schrieb:
We do not yet have a component that provides full functionality for
working with forms; this is a large undertaking, and there are a couple
of proposals for such:

Zend_Form - Simon Mundy & Ralf Eggert

Zend_Form_Controller Proposal - Simon Mundy

I don't think that form validation and the actual form definition should be too deeply tied together. You shouldn't need to have to use a fully-featured form package supporting building of the actual form fields to use data validation for form-like data arrays.

Having said that, I think Zend_Validate is the right place to do validation of data coming from forms, and when a form package is in a developed-enough state to be actually useable, it should make use of Zend_Validate.

It must however also be possible to build forms by hand (markup or helpers in Zend_View templates) and define rules for validating incoming data from these forms.

This is why the proposed functionality is needed.

I have seen suggestions similar to this before. How would this support
multidimensional arrays? For example, assume that you need to validate
an array where:

$aData['favorites']['colors'] = array('red', 'blue');

Good point - I suppose this could be done by nesting Zend_Validate objects. In other words: Define a separate ruleset for each possible nesting level in a new instance of Zend_Validate and pass that instance to addValidator() in the main Zend_Validate object.

Yes, though I think there is some confusion over the Zend_Validate
component. It alone is not intended to solve the problem of form
validation. It is intended to solve the problem of validating a single
value against possibly multiple criteria. Zend_Validate would provide
the foundation, however, on which to build a component that eases the
pain of working with form data.

In that case, I think it may be a good option to provide a specialized subclass of Zend_Validate to deal with array data, which could optionally be used by a Zend_Form component.


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