You are right (File frontend is broken in SVN (only))

I'm going to :
- open a bug report
- have a look at unit tests
- work on the problem


2007/2/8, Bartosz Maciaszek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Actually if I set 'lifeTime' to 'null' expireTime seems to be set to
9999999999 in Cache/Backend/File.php around line 487:

    private function _expireTime($lifeTime)
        if (is_null($this->_directives['lifeTime'])) {
            return 9999999999;
        return time() + $lifeTime;

and then it writes results to file zend_cache---CACHE_ID---9999999999
and expireTime is taken from the filename in the same file:

    private function _fileNameToExpireField($fileName)
        $prefix = $this->_options['fileNamePrefix'];
        return preg_replace('~^' . $prefix . '---.*---(\d*)$~', '$1',

Even if I change something in masterfile, its modification time is not
taken into consideration. In result I get something like '2147483647'
in fronend's test() method (variable $lastModified):

$lastModified = parent::test($id);


2007/2/8, Fabien MARTY <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: 8 févr. 2007 18:37
> Subject: Re: [fw-general] Zend_Cache - Caching files to files
> To: Bartosz Maciaszek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi,
> > Anyway, thanks for fixes, but it still doesn't work as expected.
> > Frontend 'File' is little bit different than others as cache validity
> > should be calculated basing on master file's modification time and not
> > on specific validity time. Now, disregarding of which frontend is used
> > when fourth parameter is not specified cache validity time is 3600
> > seconds.
> So it's correct.
> With File backend, a cache record is valid until :
> - the lifetime expired
> OR
> - the master file was modified
> If you don't want any lifeTime, set a frontend option like :
> $frontendOptions = array(
>     'lifeTime' => null
> );
> Regards
> --
> Fabien MARTY
> --
> Fabien MARTY

Fabien MARTY

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