I tried using the setBaseUrl(). I cut and pasted the example and it does the same thing, returns 404 Not Found Requested Url. I must have something configured wrong in apache. Sorry for the bother.


Matt Wade wrote:

Michael Baerwolf wrote:
I would like to put the bootstrap in a subdirectory of the webservers document root. But I'm not having any luck getting it to work.

Want I want is
ab.com/members/FoobarController/action etc,etc.

I'm pretty sure I need to change to the route,but have not been able to come up with anything that works.

Thanks in advance for any help

$router     = new Zend_Controller_RewriteRouter();
$controller = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance();
$controller->setControllerDirectory('./app/controllers') ->setRouter($router) ->setBaseUrl('/members/'); // set the base url!
$response   = $controller->dispatch();

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