
I'm wondering if it can be a good idea to write a Zend class to manage files
inside a special path for our applications.

In short, many times we need to manage files, and we don't want to store
them in the database. Actually, the OS filesystem is the best place to store
files IMHO, so writing a wrapper to let the developers manage files within
the applications could be a useful tool.

The main class could be extended to support different operative systems, so
search facilities and other features can be optimized for each OS.

The main goals of this wrapper:
- search files
- list files from a folder
- read and write files
- search through file contents? (using OS specific functions)
- store metadata somewhere about access permissions to files and folders
(database?, file per folder? store a Zend_Acl?..)

Of course, all the files will belong to the apache user, i don't know which
can be the consequences of this design, but a wrapper could be useful imho.

Xavier Vidal Piera
Enginyer Tècnic Informàtic de Gestió
Tècnic Especialista Informàtic d'equips

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