Haddad Said wrote:
> Can you please give me a sample of code you used to achieve a
> connection? I am kind of new to both pro_mssql and Zend_db.

it's extremely simple:

$db = Zend_Db::factory($config->db->adapter,

Where config.ini contains:
db.adapter = PDO_MSSQL
db.config.host = localhost
db.config.username = u12345
db.config.password = 12345
db.config.dbname = db12345

I did a standard install of SQL Server 2005 Express, turn on the
"advanced" options during install and selected to use the "default"
instance rather than a named one. I also picked Mixed Mode
authentication in the install program. After install, I used the Surface
Area tool to enable TCPIP & Named Pipes connections.

That was about it.



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