

There are a couple of unresolved issues in Zend Framework 0.8, so here's
what we're going to do:

I am going to make a tar and a zip download today and post them to the
framework web site.  I'll send out the URL when I get that uploaded.
This will be a release candidate for ZF 0.8, and we request that you
review it and give us feedback here on the mailing list.  After we have
resolved any show-stopper issues, we will release ZF 0.8, probably on
Tuesday (Monday is a US holiday).


I'm lifting the code-freeze but I encourage developers to commit only
fixes for the show-stopper issues that we identify.  Translators may
feel free to commit documentation edits.



Bill Karwin




From: Bill Karwin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2007 11:46 PM
To: Zend Framework General
Subject: [fw-general] Zend Framework 0.8 code freeze




We're now in code-freeze for Zend Framework 0.8.


It's late here now and I'll do the product release tomorrow morning
(pacific time).  After I finish the release and upload it, I'll follow
up and let people know when the code-freeze is lifted.


I copied English manual files to translation directories where the files
were missing.  I welcome translators to check in translations if you
want, since I won't be doing the product build for at least another 8
hours.  I suggest good priorities would be to translate new content in
Zend_Controller, Zend_Session and Zend_Auth documentation.


I fixed a bug on our translation status page, so it shows more accurate
status now:  http://framework.zend.com/manual/status



Bill Karwin

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