Can somebody please make a SVN tag for the 0.8.0 release?

Thanks in advance,

Gregory Szorc

On 2/21/07, Bill Karwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Hi everybody,

I posted the binaries for Zend Framework 0.8.0 preview release.  So the
code-freeze is now lifted.  We can start the final development iteration
before we reach Zend Framework Beta Release!

Thanks to all the developers, testers, and documentation translators who
have worked so hard on the 0.8.0 release.  It's really amazing and
exciting to see the project move forward in many areas.  In this latest
release especially, it was hard to write the release notes because so many
things happened.  Some of the changes happened without as much fanfare as I
think they deserve.  So I thought I'd expand a little bit on the
announcement I just sent to fw-announce and devzone.

- Thomas and Gavin made some significant improvements in the I18N
components, Zend_Locale and Zend_Date.  These components have really matured
a lot.

- The trio of Zend_Auth, Zend_Session, and Zend_Acl have all improved, and
they all are now in the core library.

- Zend_Filter and Zend_Validate provide object-oriented classes to replace
the mostly-static implementation of Zend_Filter we had previously.

- Nico, Matthew, and Simon did a lot of work on the Zend_Mail and
Zend_Mime classes, and now the component reads email as well as sends email
(I'm not sure what this implies for Zend Framework in relation to Zawinski's
Law of Software 
but it's pretty cool!  ;-).

- The MVC support for modular directories has become both more capable and
yet simpler.  Thanks Matthew!

- Alexander has made some enhancements to Zend_Search_Lucene which
improved the performance dramatically.

- Zend_Db had 37 issues resolved, and has greatly expanded unit test
coverage, positioning it for a lot of enhancement in the next iteration.

- Zend_Log has a new object-oriented design shaping up in the incubator.
Don't miss this one!

- Quite a few components made the move from incubator to core, which means
they have complete documentation and unit tests: Zend_Rest_Client & Server,
Zend_Console_Getopt, Zend_Service_Akismet, as well as Zend_Auth,
Zend_Filter, and Zend_Validate mentioned above.

To be successful, a software project must have its "gems" -- features that
are so compelling and useful at solving real problems that people are
attracted to use the software.  I am a believer in Zend Framework because it
is full of gems!


Bill Karwin

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