Hi all,

Short story:

Thank you to everyone involved in the Zend Framework.  You have re-ignited
my interest in developing PHP applications and helped me learn a hell of a
lot in the process :)

Long story:

As a self-taught developer, I started many years ago with a BBS system
called Proboard.  Proboard had a C SDK that allowed you to write add-ons
(PEX) which where essentially executables that would run within Proboard and
give access to the BBS's functions.  After that, I wrote add-ons for various
other programs / scripts until a couple of years ago when I started writing
modifications for the vBulletin forum software.

After about a year and a half I became disillusioned with the slow progress
of vBulletin and decided to cast out and start writing fresh new PHP
applications, rather than writing modifications for pre-built scripts and

It then became painfully obvious to me that writing complete PHP scripts was
exceptionally hard.  With Proboard / vBulletin / etc, all of the core bits
where taken care of.  For example, connection to databases, handling input
filtering, and so on.  After writing all of these methods / libraries from
scratch I decided that perhaps PHP development wasn't for me.

At this point, I decided to branch out in to Windows programming and played
about with Visual C# for about 6 months until that one glorious day I
accidentally discovered the Zend Framework.

Without realising it, I had essentially been using frameworks all of my
programming life in one form or another, be it the Probard SDK or extending
vBulletin.  To discover a nice, easy to use Framework for my favourite
programming language (Yes, PHP :D) was incredible.

Since I've started investigating / playing with the Zend Framework a month
or 2 ago, I feel that I have learnt so much about PHP, OOP and software
development as a whole.  It has really opened my eyes to the possibilities
that software development has to offer when done right.

Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you to everyone involved in the Zend
Framework project, and that I'm looking forward to v1.0 and the great new
features that are bound to follow.

Keep up the great work all!

Kind regards,

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