

Now I know I've missed something.


In my debugging process, here's what I did.


Open: Zend/DB/Table/Rowset/Abstract.php

Goto Line: 71

Replace Value of: protected $_rowClass = 'Zend_Db_Table_Row'

With: protected $_rowClass = 'Account'


Have access to Account->helloWorld();


I'll keep digging, I seem to be missing a step along the way.




PS: Undo changes, save. ;)



From: Ryan Brooks [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: March 19, 2007 1:32 PM
To: fw-general@lists.zend.com
Subject: [fw-general] $db->setRowClass & $db->setRowsetClass


Hi guys, this email will be a little long to explain my confusion, please
bear with me.


I am trying to create some domain logic in my result objects so I have
access to methods on rowsets and rows. It kinda works, but kinda doesn't.
Unfortunately I think I am either missing something completely, or what I'm
trying to do just isn't possible.


I am using the latest nightly build.


This all came from wanting to change this: $article =


Here's my error:


Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Zend_Db_Table_Row_Exception' with message
'Unrecognized method 'helloWorld()'' in


Well, that's obvious - I'm trying to access a non-existent method.


However, here's some code. I hope that you'll be able to understand at a
glance what I'm trying to do. I have stripped out most of my un-needed code.
I can verify that the database has connected, and the view object does


class AccountsController extends BootstrapController


public function indexAction()


            $accounts = new Accounts();

            $this->view->accounts = $accounts->fetchAll();


            Zend_Debug::dump($this->view->accounts); // debug


            foreach($this->view->accounts as $account)


                  echo $account->helloWorld(); // This is the cause of our




class Accounts extends Zend_Db_Table


      public function _setup($config = array())


            $this->_name = 'accounts';

            $this->setRowClass('Account'); // this seems to be ignored





class AccountsRowset extends Zend_Db_Table_Rowset


      public function _setup($config = array())


            $this->_name = 'accounts';

            $this->setRowClass('Account'); // this seems to be ignored




class Account extends Zend_Db_Table_Row


      public function _setup($config = array())


            $this->_name = 'accounts';



      public function helloWorld()


            return 'hello ' . $this->name;




Now. When I look at the dump(), I can see the data. The row class and rowset
class is being set. However, it is still calling Zend_Db_Table_Row. To aid
in debugging, here is my dump.


object(AccountsRowset)#20 (8) {
  ["_data:protected"] => array(2) {
    [0] => array(7) {
      ["id"] => string(1) "1"
      ["date_entered"] => string(19) "2007-03-17 21:24:38"
      ["date_modified"] => NULL
      ["created_by"] => string(1) "1"
      ["assigned_user_id"] => NULL
      ["name"] => string(1) "d"
      ["deleted"] => NULL
    [1] => array(7) {
      ["id"] => string(1) "2"
      ["date_entered"] => string(19) "2007-03-19 11:45:17"
      ["date_modified"] => NULL
      ["created_by"] => string(1) "1"
      ["assigned_user_id"] => NULL
      ["name"] => string(4) "dddd"
      ["deleted"] => NULL
  ["_table:protected"] => object(Accounts)#19 (8) {
    ["_db:protected"] => object(Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysql)#12 (5) {
      ["_pdoType:protected"] => string(5) "mysql"
      ["_config:protected"] => array(6) {
        ["dbtype"] => string(9) "pdo_mysql"
        ["host"] => string(9) "localhost"
        ["username"] => string(4) "root"
        ["password"] => string(0) ""
        ["dbname"] => string(3) "crm"
        ["debugEnabled"] => string(4) "true"
      ["_fetchMode:protected"] => int(2)
      ["_profiler:protected"] => object(Zend_Db_Profiler)#14 (4) {
        ["_queryProfiles:protected"] => array(0) {
        ["_enabled:protected"] => bool(false)
        ["_filterElapsedSecs:protected"] => NULL
        ["_filterTypes:protected"] => NULL
      ["_connection:protected"] => object(PDO)#17 (0) {
    ["_name:protected"] => string(8) "Accounts"
    ["_cols:protected"] => array(7) {
      [0] => string(2) "id"
      [1] => string(12) "date_entered"
      [2] => string(13) "date_modified"
      [3] => string(10) "created_by"
      [4] => string(16) "assigned_user_id"
      [5] => string(4) "name"
      [6] => string(7) "deleted"
    ["_primary:protected"] => string(2) "id"
    ["_rowClass:protected"] => string(7) "Account"
    ["_rowsetClass:protected"] => string(14) "AccountsRowset"
    ["_referenceMap:protected"] => array(0) {
    ["_dependentTables:protected"] => array(0) {
  ["_connected:protected"] => bool(true)
  ["_tableClass:protected"] => string(8) "Accounts"
  ["_rowClass:protected"] => string(17) "Zend_Db_Table_Row"
  ["_pointer:protected"] => int(0)
  ["_count:protected"] => int(2)
  ["_rows:protected"] => array(0) {
I'm hoping someone can help me out. I'm kinda at a loss.

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