
From the manual (http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/zend.db.table.row.html): "Next, retrieve one record from the database using Zend_Db_Table::find() with a single key, or by using Zend_Db_Table::fetchRow(). The returned result will be a Zend_Db_Table_Row object where each property in the object is a "camelCaps" name mapped to an "underscore_words" column name from the table. E.g., "first_name" in the table will become "firstName" in the object properties"

This is also the behavior I expected. Now I am using ZF 0.9.1, but I am a very happy user of ZF since 0.1.0.

I have a simple load method. Surprisingly, the conversion between "underscore_words" (table field "folder_id") and "camelCaps" (object attribute "folderId") does not happen, i.e. the Zend_Db_Table_Row object has a property "folder_id", but not "folderId".

Is the former behavior now something that has to be explicitly configured? Or is this former behavior simply not present in ZF 0.9.1?

Thank you very much.

Best regards,

Loglan GmbH
Ivan Ruiz Gallego

Binzmühlestrasse 210
8050 Zürich

Office +41 44 310 19 20
Mobile +41 76 321 23 68
Net www.loglan.net

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