Hi Dave,

Zend_Search_Lucene supports Apache Lucene 1.9 file format.
Format was changed in v2.1.
One of the changes is the segments list. It's stored in a 'segments_N' file instead of 'segments' now.

Please use Apache Lucene 2.0 to be compatible with Zend_Search_Lucene.

PS I've also created JIRA issue for this (http://framework.zend.com/issues/browse/ZF-1154). So it's planned to support new file format, but I don't expect this to be done in a short time.

With best regards,
   Alexander Veremyev.

Dave Dash wrote:
I'm using Apache Lucene to index about 70K records

The following was created:


Zend Search Lucene however is looking for a segments file, and didn't like
the segments_N file provided... I'm a little stuck and don't know how to
make these two work.

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