Hey, no worries. I'm here and I'm finding any excuse to get distracted at the moment :)

I had read your code too quickly - yes indeed, you're using a plugin.

It looks to me that you're requesting a controller name that the ACL is returning as a DENY. And then you're _forward'ing to another controller that is _also_ being returned by ACL as a DENY.

Does your ACL rule allow the 'login' resource to any anonymous user? Could you provide a quick extract of your ACL rules?

Hi Simon,

Thanks for the super quick reply, I didn't mean to summons you to an answer by the way, I just cc'd past you since I was using your code and thought you might be interested.

I don't quite follow but, suspecting I may be being dense here, I'll go ahead anyway...

No mystery there - having the auth logic embedded within the Controller means preDispatch will be called each time the controller is called... sending it onto the same controller... with the same preDispatch... etc...

I'm not entirely clear on your use of "Controller" there. Do you mean embedded in Zend_Controller_Front or a Zend_Controller_Action? To clarify (mostly for myself) I have the auth logic in a subclass of Zend_Controller_Plugin_Abstract which is registered as a plugin with Zend_Controller_Front, which is what I think you mean with (b) below?



Simon Mundy | Director | PEPTOLAB

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