Hi everyone,

I'm currently in the process of upgrading our application to ZF 0.9.1 from
0.8 . So far it's going smoothly and I took the oportunity to convert to a
Conventional Modular for convenience and because since the application is an
intranet, it will eventually includes a lot of different modules.

So I based the directory structure on what's described here Conventional
have something that looks like this:

   /(module x)

In the bootstrap I correctly set the controller directories with:

$controller = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance();
                  'default' => '../application/default/controllers',
                  '(module x)' => '../application/(module x)/controllers'))
              ->setParam('config', $config);

With that setup I can simply use this in the default controller:

   function init()
       $this->view->config = $this->getInvokeArg('config');
       $this->view->baseUrl = $this->_request->getBaseUrl();

   function indexAction()
       $this->view->title = 'title';

       $this->view->actionTemplate = '_menu.phtml';

Which will render the view script in
/application/default/views/scripts/index.phtml in wich the file _menu.phtml
is called with <?php echo $this->render($this->actionTemplate); ?> .

What I'm wondering is where would be a good place to put the site wide view
scripts such as _menu.phtml (also think header/footer scripts) and what
would be the best way to use them inside the modules controller ?

Thanks in advance,

Martin Carpentier

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