(originally posted to fw-db)

First of all, it's been a while since I've posted here and I've been out of touch with ZF for the past few months. However, I was really pleasantly surprised to see that the Zend_Db components have really come along (great work, guys!), especially in the ORM direction.

What I find even more impressive (only after I implemented my own routines to do the same) is that there is code to handle relationships between tables! Awesome!

I've been playing with it for a few moments, and it works great but for one small caveat. Namely, what is return from a call to the findManyToManyRowset (via the magic method routine) is not an instance of your custom class from the Table definition, but a plain-jane Zend_Db_Table_Rowset. I didn't read anything in the documentation about this nor did I find a post on the issue, so if I missed, I do sincerely apologize. Is this a bug, a feature, or am I just misunderstanding something?

Thanks in advance guys, and keep up the incredible work!

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