
Atom has tree formats for text element content: text, html, xhtml.

"text" means that the content of the element should be displayed as it is,
so if you write <summary type="text"><![CDATA[<em>test</em>]]></summary>
then you see exactly that is in the summary.

"html" means that the content of the element is processed like it is html
with encoded entities.
So, either of <summary type="html"><![CDATA[<em>test</em>]]></summary> and
<summary type="html">&lt;em&lt;test&lt;/em&gt;</summary> are the same.

"xhtml" means that the content of the entity is valid xhtml within <div
xmlns="...">...</div> tag.
See RFC 4287: XHTML
<summary type="xhtml"> <div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";> This is
<b>XHTML</b> content. </div> </summary>
So, CDATA does not help in this case because
<summary type="xhtml"><![CDATA[<div></div>]]></summary> = <summary
and it is incorrect format of the atom feed.

Check the following feed:
<feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom";>
 <title type="xhtml"><![CDATA[<div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";>Alex
@ Net articles</div>]]></title>
   <name>Alexander Netkachev</name>
using the http://validator.w3.org/feed/.
It says that "Missing xhtml:div element" and "title claims to be inline, but
may contain html: div".

So, the very right way to add the XML is to use type="xhtml" but it is not
possible with current Zend_Feed nor in <summary/> nor in <content/>.
My Atom toolkit (
http://www.alexatnet.com/blog/2/2006/06/02/atom-syndication-framework) has
not nice Api, but it supports XHTML content as follows:

$entry = $feed->Add(new Ant_Atom_Entry());
$content = $entry->Add(Ant_Atom_Content::Inline( '<p><i>[Update: The Atom
draft is finished.]</i></p>', Ant_Atom_PlainText::Xhtml));
$content->SetAttribute('xml:lang', 'en'); $content->SetAttribute('xml:base',

http://www.alexatnet.com/ - Blog and CMS created with Zend Framework and

On 3/31/07, Olivier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


The content of the summary node is within a CDATA section so you can
just use the standard Zend_Feed_Atom class can't you?

2007/3/30, Alexander Netkachev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi,
> Are there any plans to support XHTML atom content type like
> <summary type="xhtml"><div xmlns="..."><...>...entry content
> here...<...></div></summary>
>  ?
> I have my content in XHTML with all those <br/>, <input .../> etc and
> leaves me only three options for now:
> 1. Extend Zend_Feed_Atom and change _mapFeedEntries() or use another
> for similar functionality.
> 2. Produce a feed with invalid HTML (valid XHTML) in it.
> 3. Adjust Atom DOMDocument before sending it.
> Either of them does not look very good.
> Any other ideas?
> Thanks,
> --
> Alexander
> http://www.alexatnet.com/ - Blog and CMS created with Zend Framework and
> Ajax.


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