Ed Finkler wrote:
On 4/3/07, Juan Felipe Alvarez Saldarriaga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hey :).

Im trying to migrate from ZFW 0.8 to 0.9.1 and I saw that I have a lot
of issues there, for example, Zend_Input_Filter was dropped :S, so how
can I filter the POST or GET methods ? cause actually im doing something
like this:

class MyControllerController extends Zend_Controller_Action
    public function MyAccionAction
       // Filter $_POST method.
        $objFilterPost = new Zend_Filter_Input( $_POST );

       // Get array data.
       $arrMyArray = $objFilterPost->getRaw( 'my_array' );

There is no comparable functionality remaining in ZFW.  It may appear
after Version 1.0.  You'll need to filter all of your input "by hand"
using the Filter and Validator components.

Well, so I need to to filter all data one per one ? Cause when I was doing it with Zend_Filter_Input the result object was a protect object of the ZFW, there's a way to do this ? or just making a $this->getRequest on the Controller ?


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