Mauro Casula a écrit :
Hi all,

I have an action that make a mysql database backup in this way:

        public function backupDatabaseAction()
$db = Zend::registry('db'); $view = Zend::registry('view');
                $config = Zend::registry('config');
                $session = Zend::registry('session');
                $view->title = $config->site->title." - Modifica di una casa";
                $ctr = new CaseVacanzaDataController($db, $session);
$view->actionTemplate = 'main.php'; $view->header = $view->render('header.php'); system($config->bin_path."\export_db.bat", $ret); $view->menu = $view->render('menu_amministrazione.php');
                        $view->body = 

                        $view->footer = $view->render('footer.php');
                        echo $view->render('main.php');


the export_db.bat script write a Sql backup file in a specific directory..

What I have to do for return this file directly with the download popup and
so delete it..?

Thankyou in advance for the answers..
Mauro Casula

this could help you maybe :

basically you could do that
       $str = file_get_contents($file);
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="downloaded.pdf"');
       header('Content-type: application/pdf');
       echo $str;

the example is for a pdf file, in your example, yous hould change Content-type (look for it in header doc) Content-Disposition: attachment makes the download window opens in order to save it or display it on the client side.

But I guess, a "zfer" way would be to use the response object, maybe like this :

   ->setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain')
   ||->setHeader('|Content-Disposition|', '|attachment; filename="bkp.sql"'|') |
|    ->appendBody(|$str|);

Hope this could help you, though I didn't test it. At least it works for me 
with pdf files.



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