Matthew Weier O'Phinney wrote:
> -- Rob Allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
> (on Tuesday, 08 May 2007, 07:01 AM +0100):
>> Todd Wolaver wrote:
>>> Yes, I've just run into this myself and I ended up using
>>> the Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()
>>> i.e.
>>> $this->_config  = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getParam('config');
>>> Todd
>> Isn't this just like treating the front controller as if it's a
>> registry? If so, I would have thought that using Zend_Registry would
>> make it more explicit that this is what you are doing?
>> i.e. what's the benefit of using the FC's setParam() in these cases over
>> Zend_Registry?
> The idea of adding parameter handling to the front controller arose out
> of a desire to reduce the number of dependencies in the front controller
> (loose coupling), as well as allow the ability to pass *any* type of
> variable through the front controller chain. Zend_Registry is an
> object-only registry, so it fails in the second case, and introduces a
> dependency in the first.,

I'm nearly sure Zend_Registry is no longer object-only.

> As for the need for arbitrary data, as an example, internally there are
> several boolean flags you can pass via setParam() that are picked up by
> the dispatcher and router in order to customize their behaviours.

Oh, I 100% agree with setParam for setting stuff to be picked up by the

> As to the benefit of using the front controller params instead of a
> registry, it helps keep such objects in a specific domain. Were these
> registered in a general global registry, it wouldn't be clear that they
> are meant for use with the MVC components specifically. It's really a
> matter of preference, but that's certainly one argument I've used.

Yeah - definitely a toss-up; especially for params that aren't used
until you get to the action function itself. I just wanted to ensure
that I wasn't missing a clearly better way of doing it :)

Personally, I wouldn't pass config or the database adapter around as a
front controller param, but that's just me!



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