I'm wondering what peoples thoughts are on automatically registering view variables and/or using some other method to bridge the gap between Action Helper objects and a View object.

With the introduction of the ViewRenderer helper, I starting to more and more see the value of Action Helpers. But there are a lot of scenarios where I'd like to inject the functionality into the Action without having to somehow route the output of such functionality into the View.

Take for instance the FlashMessenger helper; if I wanted to automatically collect messages and send them to the View object I'd have to probably subclass Zend_Controller_Action and override the render() function with a method which registers the messages in the view. However this wont work with ViewRenderer!

One other option I considered would be somehow incorporating this automatic View Variable assigning into the postDispatch method. However is there any specified order in which postDispatch will run for registered Action Helpers?

Another option again would be to write a View Helper class which would somehow interface with the Action Helper and provide view access for the output of the Action Helper.

None of these options seems particularly elegant or suitable to me. Can anyone suggest a best-practise for automatically registering view variables in this fashion? Is there a better way to access these variables that perhaps I'm not considering?


Mathew Byrne

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