Just to clarify,

Any templating solution will allow arbitrary logic - so it doesn't limit logic 
at all. Zend_View allows the full use of PHP, Smarty just conceals that with 
miscellaneous tags but the presence of {if} is all it takes to allow for logic 
duplication ;). Both however allow for encapsulating reusable presentational 
logic in View Helpers. Smarty does allow View Helpers (keep meaning to blog a 
tutorial) by writing new plugin functions to catch such logic for reuse. It's 
quite a simple exercise to write a Model reading plugin for Smarty using a tag 
syntax like:

{model class="FeedSubscriberCache" rss="http://www.php.net/news.rss"; count="5"}

Which relies on a Model in use for storing cached RSS/Atom feeds 
(Subscriber/Publisher setup using cron to download and cache feeds every hour 
for example) to select and return the last 5 news headlines for php.net (the 
URI is a primary key). The class file for this is pretty straightforward. The 
Model is already existing using Zend_Db or something else.

The only truly evil logic is when domain logic finds it's way into a template. 
The moment a template starts interpreting data (e.g. a bank balance is negative 
therefore it should be highlighted red says a template) is when it's crossed 
the line. The Model should tell the View if a balance is red worthy...;). Maybe 
the Model only differentiates between authorised and unauthorised overdrafts... 
Both are negatives, only one should be highlighted red!

Pádraic Brady

----- Original Message ----
From: James Andrews <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Gunter Sammet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: fw-general@lists.zend.com
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2007 1:00:49 AM
Subject: Re: [fw-general] Really complications Zend_Controller is purpose ZF?

Isn't using Smarty on top of MVC kind of  counter intuitive.  You should be 
using one or the other, not both.   Any template engine that has logic in it is 
pointless the entire idea is that you do all your logic in the php and then the 
template engine should just displays the results.  Then again I am quite anti 
smarty.  (sorry big pet peeve of mine.)


On May 29, 2007, at 7:02 PM, Gunter Sammet wrote:

Matthew, thank you for your hard work and prompt responses. Here a few lines on 
my experience so far:

I am pretty new to ZF and MVC. On top of that I want to implement Smarty as the 
template engine. Been spending a few days on reading the documentation, what I 
could find on the Internet and playing around with the zfdemo code. Still don't 
get the whole picture but it makes more and more sense. Figure it will take me 
another few days of playing around to understand it a bit more. 
Managed to get some views working through piecing together code pieces from 
several tutorials and the zfdemo app. I followed the emails in the last few 
weeks, so I knew that there were some changes that are not compatible. That's 
why I upgraded today to 1.0.
This broke my setup with the Smarty view, injecting templates out of a template 
directory. Since I am still not very proficient in debugging the ZF and I had 
$frontController->throwExceptions(true) set, I didn't get the error message 
that it didn't find 'index/index.phtml'. It took me a few hours to figure it 
out and I am thinking about my potential new structure. 
Besides the above, I had to change my smarty view to use "extends 
Zend_View_Abstract" instead of "implements Zend_View_Interface" which required 
me to declare the "_run" method.
For now till I have my new template structure, I managed to bypass the auto 
view settings by using the following lines of code; 
            $viewRenderer = new 
             ->setViewScriptPathNoControllerSpec(' landing.tpl')
 -->The sample code at 
  (paragraph 7.9) wants you to implement 
Zend_View_Controller_HelperBroker::addHelper($viewRenderer);. However, I didn't 
find a HelperBroker there. Seems to be the Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker 
that is meant there. 

Your changes make sense and should make the default setup easier. I will try to 
implement it as close as possible to be open for future refactoring. That's why 
I didn't use the 
('noErrorHandler', true);
If I understand it correctly, that should have solved my problem without 
changes. A good read for it is the migration page ( 

Hope these lines help some other users to figure it out a bit earlier and for 
you to understand the issues ZF newbies may face. 


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