Hey :)

I have this issue using a modular structure in  ZFW, v1.0.0-rc2, I add
my own modular structure to the front controller:

Directories structure:

Front controller config:
$objFrontController = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()
                   ->setModuleControllerDirectoryName( 'scripts' )
                   ->addModuleDirectory( '../controllers' )
                   ->setBaseUrl( '/' )
                   ->throwExceptions( true );

So my issue is this one, Im using the controller view helper, I was
talking with the guys of #zftalk @ freenode and they told me that by
default is on, so the problem is that when I try to load the index
controller I got an exception -> Uncaught exception
'Zend_View_Exception' with message 'script 'index/index.phtml' not found
in path', this is my object view configuration:

$objView->setScriptPath( '../views/scripts' );

All was working until I set the the modular directory structure, so the
question is, this modular directory structure set the view scripts into
another folder inside every module directory or something, so override
the view object configuration ?

Thx for the help.

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