This are especially exciting times for the ZF, its users and Zend itself.
I for one cannot wait to hear about what cool things people are doing with
the framework I, for one, have grown rather fond of.


> Hi, I'm relaying this for our marketing team:
> Thanks to all the hard work the community has put in we are just about
> ready to release Zend Framework 1.0  As part of this release we will be
> doing significant updates to the website and other outreach.  This
> should help make people aware of the power of Zend Framework and all the
> efforts going on in the community.
> To help out with this, we'd like to create a list of Zend Framework
> applications.  If you could please take just 5 minutes to fill out this
> questionnaire, that would be immensely helpful.
> We hope to feature some of your great work at the
> site and even if not, would love to hear what you've been up to with ZF.
> Thanks,
> Bill Karwin

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