
On 6/17/07, Shekar C Reddy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
It goes without saying:

A document says a few words.
A picture says a thousand words.
A video says a million words.
Other frameworks are popular because they cover their demos by streaming

I see how marketing buys into that and people respond like - "oh, they
build this app in five minutes using X framework - it must be easy".
Then again, we all know it is not because otherwise some of us
wouldn't have a job. ;-)

Honestly, I don't believe that videos which show  you how to build an
app in five minutes (with Textmate and on the fancy mac) by any means
demonstrate or say anything about a high quality of code.

It doesn't say anything about how well the code is kept up to date,
how many resources are dedicated to development, possible legal issues
(as outlined by Bill Karwin earlier) and so on.

I am sure this will be necessary at some point, but I also wonder what
kind of developers you want to persuade with that. :-)


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