On 6/26/07, codeangel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I thought a viewpoint of a MVC "noobie" might be appropriate here.  I
pretty much been learning MVC and design patterns within the last year or
so.  Most of my understanding of MVC has resulted from playing with Zend
Framework since 0.2. The biggest issue I had was understanding how to do
layouts with Zend_View, I have solved it in my own, unelegant, noobie way.
But it never felt quite right to me.  Now I see that there are proposals for
two Layout classes that would have solved this very problem. I feel that
these classes have been missing from the Framework longer than they should.

Having been one that was at the Zend Conference when the announcement of the
Zend Framework 2 years ago (Wow it's been that long?) was made, I've been
passionately following the various releases of this project.  In turn, I've
branched some of my own applications off to "practice" with the Framework,
as it has progressed.  I am certainly not as proficient with theory of MVC
or Design Patterns as many on this list, but I certainly feel where you are
coming from.

I do hope upon release of 1.0 that there is more coverage on the website to
help those that aren't as savvy with the more in-depth aspects of PHP or the
framework itself.  Being one that uses Smarty in nearly every application
that I write over the development cycle, implementing it in the various
incarnations of the Zend_View has been interesting.

1.0GA is a very important release, most people will base their opinion on
the quality of Zend Framework during this release.  In some ways I feel that
Zend Framework's reputation is at stake here.   1.1 or so might come a
little to late to win back favor.  So I'm begging for those against adding a
Zend_Layout in 1.0 to reconsider.  Feature freezes are set in ideals, not
in stone.

I've kept up with Paddy's blogs, and have found the implementation of a more
extensive View to be so useful in my own development, versus the
out-of-the-box ViewRenderer.  Unfortunately I haven't had the opportunity to
look at Zend_Layout, but I see where the need for these proposals, and I
hope that one or the culmination of these proposals get pushed out very soon
after the 1.0 release.  And I hope ultimately that some good examples and
documentation follow the release of 1.0.

Jay M. Keith

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